Blogs I read

Friday, May 31, 2013

Sewing plans

And by sewing plans, I mean of course things I would like to make but never do :)

Anyway, I hope this time is different and I'll actually sew something... The New look 6107 arrived yesterday. I bought it mostly for the simple skirt pattern, but after taking a better look at it, plus some searching on the internet, I really like the blouse pattern. Especially views B and C.

The dress on the left is from Burda magazine (4/2013). It's a simple everyday dress and I really like it.

I'm still working on things for the upcoming market. It's next week!!! Happy!!!    


  1. I like the dress too!
    hope you do fantastic in the market :-)

    1. If only the weather here allowed summer clothing... :)
      Thank you Aleka!

  2. I understand you on your "sewing plans" -- I suffer a great deal from it myself!!!

    By the way, I came here from Annuk Creations' blog. Saw your comment and decided to find out more about PanicaLab :)


  3. Hi Juanita!! Thank you for stopping by!!!


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